Raves and Reviews
Kind words and references from our treasured patients.

Kind Words
More kind words from patients and their family members, colleagues and staff.
Tenet Hospitals, El Paso
“Dr. Rebeles is a wonderful and caring physician. The way she prepares her patients for surgery is remarkable. Noteworthy is the fact that the OR staff enjoy working with her. Plus, her smile is infectious!”
Gynecologic Oncologist
“I’m a gynecologic cancer specialist in the Torrance community who has worked closely on several surgeries with Dr. Rebeles. She is an excellent surgeon, especially within robotic surgery, and a tireless patient advocate who really puts all of herself into caring for her patients and for promoting their well-being. If you go to Dr. Rebeles, I promise you that you will be in good hands…I would send my own female family members to her.”
“The thought of surgery and hospitalization is traumatizing. You have been more than a doctor to my mother and I. You have been a friend and family. You have treated us with so much care and patience, we are forever grateful to have found you. What a wonderful human being you are. Thank you for your hard work. You are always appreciated.”
“Dr. Rebeles has been a great help to my mother. Aside from being professional, she is also warm and informative. My mother spent a year trying to find a diagnosis for her problem and no other doctor was able to help her or at the very least refer her to a specialist. Within 3 months Dr. Rebeles was able to diagnose and treat her and now my mother is on her way to recovery. We are very thankful to her.”
“You are an outstanding professional who has given me a different outlook on life. You turned my surgery into something other than cancer and I have forgotten how grim that word is. You handled my case with the most respect and to you I am forever grateful for my new lease.”
Registered Nurse
“I have never met or worked with such a great surgeon that on top of being one of the best surgeons, she still manages to remain humble and inspirational. Love her attitude, performance, professional but best of all, her caring and dedication. Bless you wherever you are.”
Make an Appointment
Request your next appointment date. Our Scheduling Staff will reply back with all available appointment date and time options that meet your requirements.
*Please Note: Dr. Rebeles does not offer prenatal care.
Additionally, Dr. Rebeles is no longer accepting new patients, effective May 1, 2024.